TakTik logo

Requirements - Introduction - Main screen - Setup screen - The pieces - Game screen - Graveyard screen - Registration


There is different versions of the game, depending on your device and the resolution it can display :

Resolution of 320x320 with 65K colors ( 16 bpp ) :

This version is compatible with devices running Palm OS 4.0 or higher and having the Sony High Resolution API or the Palm High Density Display API.
This game requires you to have at least 718 Kb of free storage space on the device to install the program, and at least 50 Kb of free storage space on the device when the program is running.

The name of the file to use is TAKTIK-65K-HIGHRES.PRC

Resolution of 160x160 with 65K colors ( 16 bpp ) :

This version is compatible with devices running Palm OS 3.5 or higher and having a color screen able to display 16 bpp graphics.
This game requires you to have at least 427 Kb of free storage space on the device.

The name of the file to use is TAKTIK-65K.PRC

Resolution of 160x160 with 256 colors :

This version is compatible with devices running Palm OS 3.5 or higher and having a color screen able to display 256 colors graphics.
This game requires you to have at least 293 Kb of free storage space on the device.

The name of the file to use is TAKTIK-256.PRC

Resolution of 160x160 with 16 levels grayscale :

This version is compatible with devices running Palm OS 3.3 or higher and supporting 16 levels grayscale video mode ( Handera 330 supported ).
This game requires you to have at least 208 Kb of free storage space on the device.

The name of the file to use is TAKTIK-GRAY.PRC

You can order this game online

Thanks for supporting shareware !

Please note : while we are doing our best to produce high quality software, we make no warranty and can't be liable for any damages that TakTik or its documentation may cause to your device !
( please backup any important data before using it )


This is a tactical game, where two camps fight with teams made of several pieces.

Your goal is to defeat the enemy, by either :
- blocking it : it can't move.
- capturing the enemy Princess.
- saving your own Princess by moving her to your opponent's first line.

You don't see the opponent's pieces, and he or she doesn't see yours : they're only revealed during a fight, to know which one's stronger.
This aspect of the game makes strong use of your memory but also of your ability to bluff.
You can play against the computer or with a friend, either on the same device or soon via wireless.

main menu

main menu screenshot

This is the main screen of the game, where you can start a new game.

Tap on the QuickPlay icon to immediately start a new game against the computer, without going through the setup phase.
The program will choose a random setup for your pieces.

Tap on the 1 Player icon to start a one player game against the computer.

Tap on the 2 Players icon to start a two players game.
For the moment, the two players will use the same device, but a wireless version should come soon.

Tap on the Tutorial icon to launch an interactive tutorial which will teach you in an easy and fun way the rules of this game.

Tap on the Options icon to change settings, like the sound or the difficulty level.

Tap on the Help icon to see the full documentation of the game.
This documentation is organized in chapters, with easy to use navigation buttons.

Tap on the Register icon to register the game and enjoy the benefits of the full version.


setup screenshot

On this screen, you'll be able to set up the initial position of your pieces before starting the game.

To select a piece, just tap on it : it becomes highlighted and you can see a picture with its attack/defense strengths on the left side ( more pieces details on the next section ).

To place the selected piece, tap on the board at the desired location.

Don't forget that Player 1 ( red pieces ) starts from the bottom of the board, while Player 2 ( green pieces ) starts from the top of the board.

To remove a piece from the board, just tap on it :

- if you've already selected a piece, it will replace the one on the board.
- if you haven't already selected a piece, it will be removed from the board.

load icon
Load icon : tap on this icon if you want to load a previously saved configuration.
Each player can save/load their preferred configuration, to avoid setting it up each time.

save icon
Save icon : tap on this icon to save the current configuration.
It doesn't need to be complete, and can even be empty.

help icon
Help icon : tap on this icon to go into the documentation of the game.

play icon
Play icon : once your setup is complete ( all the pieces are positioned on the board ), you can tap on this icon to start the game.

home icon
Home icon : tap on this icon to exit the program.

menu icon
Menu icon : tap on this icon to pop up the menu.


Each army has a total of 18 pieces, composed of 9 different types :

king detailsking piece

The King : this is the strongest unit in your army.

Attack strength : 6
Defense strength : 6
1 piece.

executionerexecutioner piece

The Executioner : it's your top level fighter, just under the King in the hierarchy.

Attack strength : 5
Defense strength : 5
1 piece.

knightknight pieceknight piece

The Knight : it's your middle level fighter.

Attack strength : 4
Defense strength : 4
2 pieces.

soldiersoldier piecesoldier piecesoldier piece

The Soldier : it's your basic level fighter.

Attack strength : 3
Defense strength : 3
3 pieces.

magicianmagician piecemagician piece

The Magician : this piece isn't very strong, but it has magic powers and is the only piece that can kill monsters.

Attack strength : 2
Defense strength : 2
2 pieces.

buffoonbuffoon piecebuffoon piecebuffoon piecebuffoon piece

The Buffoon : this is the weakest fighter, but it's also the fastest one, making it a unit of choice to explore enemy positions.

Attack strength : 1
Defense strength : 1
4 pieces.

thiefthief piece

The Thief : it's a very important piece, as it has the ability to kill any opponent ( except the monster ).
When it attacks, it comes by behind and it's able to kill every piece, even the king, but not he monster.
It has the weakest defense, because in fact it's not really a fighter, just a coward attacking by treachery.

Attack strength : 7
Defense strength : 0
1 piece.

monstermonster piecemonster piecemonster piece

The Monster : this creature comes directly from hell and kills any unit that attacks it, except the magician.
Fortunately, it's chained to the ground, so it can't move ( that's the reason why it's attack strength is null ).
It's a piece of choice to protect an important area.

Attack strength : 0
Defense strength : 7
3 pieces.

princessprincess piece

The Princess : this piece is the weakest one, but it's also the most important : if you lose it, you lose the game !

Attack strength : 0
Defense strength : 0
1 piece.

Each piece has specific attack and defense strengths : when you are attacking a piece, the attack strength of your piece is compared with the defensive strength of the attacked one, and the stronger one wins the fight.

For example, if the king ( attack strength = 6 ) is attacking a knight ( defense strength = 4 ), the king will win the fight.
If then, the enemy thief ( attack strength = 7 ) attack your king ( defense strength = 6 ), the thief will kill the king.
But then, if a simple buffoon ( attack strength = 1 ) attack the thief ( defense strength = 0 ), the thief will die.

So, as you can see, the buffoon has killed the piece that killed the king !

The piece which wins the fight takes the place of the one which lost.

When both attacking and defense strengths are identical, the two pieces are eliminated.

Each piece moves one square at a time, except the monster which doesn't move, and the buffoon which can move several squares at a time.
To move a piece, the destination square must be empty or occupied by an enemy piece.
To avoid situations where a player doesn't want to give up and tries to make an endless game, a piece can't immediately move back; you have to wait one round before moving back.


game screenshot

This is the game screen, the one you'll use to play.

Player 1 has the red pieces and Player 2 the green ones.

Here, you can move a piece, attack an enemy piece and look at the eliminated pieces.

To move a piece, you first need to select one : just tap on it ( it becomes highlighted, a picture of it will appear on the right side of the screen and its attack/defense strengths will be displayed on the center of the board ).

Once a piece is selected, you can move it by tapping on the destination square : the program will show you all the possible destination squares by highlighting them.

If you have a selected piece and no square is flashing, it means your piece can't move.
( don't forget that a piece can't immediately move back, you'll have to wait until the next round ).

If the destination square is empty, it's a simple move, but if there is an enemy piece, you'll attack it !

When the opponent moves, you see the start and the destination squares of the moved piece.
If it was an attack, a picture of both pieces are displayed on the right side of the screen, and the attack/defense strengths of these pieces are displayed in the allocated slots, at the center of the board ( with the specific colors of each players ).

help icon
Help icon : tap on this icon to go into the documentation of the game.

dead icon
Graveyard Icon : tap on this icon to see the eliminated pieces, for both sides.

home icon
Home icon : tap on this icon to exit the program.

menu icon
Menu icon : tap on this icon to bring up the menu.

change silk screen icon
Change Silk Screen icon : tap on the arrow to alternate between the different possible views for the silkscreen ( custom silkscreen, Player 1 GraveYard, Player 2 GraveYard ).


graveyard screenshot

The graveyard shows you the pieces which have been eliminated, for both sides.
To know how many pieces of a given type have been eliminated, tap on its icon.
By default, the program displays the last eliminated pieces.

help icon
Help Icon : tap on this icon for help about the graveyard.

home icon
Home icon : tap on this icon to exit the program.

menu icon
Menu icon : tap on this icon to pop up the menu.

play icon
Play Icon : tap on this icon to return to the game.


The following picture shows the registration screen :


When the game is not registered, you can try it in demo mode : you can play up to 20 games or one week ( whatever come first ).
For playing remote games, one of the two players at least should have a registered version.

To register the game and be able to play without any limitation -- and to encourage the authors to make other awesome games for the Palm OS -- you can purchase TakTik online : you will receive the Serial Number corresponding to your Device ID right after the purchase !
Once you know your Serial Number, enter it in the game in the registration screen (picture above).

The development team wish you lots of fun playing this game !

Requirements - Introduction - Main screen - Setup screen - The pieces - Game screen - Graveyard screen - Registration

© 2002 Kickoo - http://www.kickoo.com - All rights reserved
( thanks to Sean Li for the translation of this page )